Feb 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Cluster

DeLoris, of Dels PSP Emporium is at it again!  I love her soooo much and she is soo talented!
Thank you for all the freebies!!
She used my Scatter It - Birthday Picture Tube & my Clown Script to make this darling cluster.  It is for your personal use only.
You can grab it HERE or on her blog.
You can purchase the picture tube at the following stores:
Digital Scrap Designs
TKO Scraps
The clown script can be purchased at the stores listed above and here:
Scriptz R Us
Please thank DeLoris for her awesome cluster!

Feb 19, 2014

Freebie Love Cluster From Dels PSP Emporium

DeLoris, of Dels PSP Emporium has made a lovely cluster for your personal use.
She used my Scatter It - Love Picture Tube and Valentine Charm Script.
Thank you DeLoris, it is lovely!  She is such a sweetie for making this for us.  Valentines Day is over, but Love is year round!
You can download the picture tube at the following stores:
The Valentines Charm Script is available in the above stores and:
Scriptz R Us
You can download DeLoris' Love Cluster HERE or on her blog.  Please send her your thanks if you download it!

Feb 17, 2014

A Mardi Gras Cluster By Dels PSP Emporium

DeLoris of Dels PSP Emporium has made a darling cluster for your personal use using my new Scatter It Mardi Gras Tube!
I just love it!  Why not pop by her blog and pick it up for your personal use?
Or, you can download it HERE.
Thank you DeLoris for making this for us.  You are the best!
Please let her know how sweet she is to share this with us!
You can purchase this tube at the following stores:
Digital Scrap Designs
TKO Scraps

New Items In Stores

Here are 2 picture tubes that you can use to make your own scatter.  One is a Mardi Gras theme and the other is for anytime.  Just apply the tube and the shapes and colors are random.
You can get these at the following stores:
Digital Scrap Designs
TKO Scraps
I hope you find them fun to use!